After One Year.

January 26, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

It’s been one year since Mountaineer Photo Excursions was introduced to the photography public, and we (Ron Gaskins & Amanda Haddox) think we have had a great year!  “Do you want to improve your photography?  Let us take you there!”  That became our byline, when we decided to take our combined photographic experience and create a new business!  When “Country Roads Journal” wrote about our new venture last year, they described us as “…combining aspects of nature, wildlife, travel and history with photography instruction.”  We like that description, and will continue to capture those ideas in our future activities.

With Amanda’s experience in landscape and nature photography, as well as her extensive knowledge of post production software and methods, she brings a valuable set of skills to share with our clients.  Ron’s years of personal photography experience, his five years as a full-time commercial photographer (continuing part-time), and his instructor experience from his previous career combine to bring technical depth in easy to understand methods.  As Canon and Nikon shooters, respectively, Amanda and Ron complement each other’s knowledge and skills in ways that benefit our clients desire to learn.

With our three earlier Kentucky workshops, we have been to West Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky, and completed six workshops.  We now have our dates for four new workshops in 2015, traveling to Maryland, North Carolina, Ohio, and back to Kentucky in the fall.  We are also considering a West Virginia Waterfalls workshop, hopefully for this Spring.  Mountaineer Photo Excursions will also have a booth at the Mountain State Photographers’ Conference in Ripley, WV, on August 1!

Ron and Amanda are already making plans for 2016 Excursions, and have some exciting locations in mind.  We appreciate the interest that everyone has shown, and we hope you will share our website, Facebook page, and your recommendations with other photographers who are interested in improving their skills.  We’re looking at new opportunities in West Virginia, Georgia, Ohio and Pennsylvania.  If you know of a spot you would like for us to consider, share it with us!  We’ve already received suggestions for Texas and Alaska…we’ll see what we can do with those!

Most of all, thank you to each of our “Workshoppers,” who have joined us on one of our Excursions during this first year.  Your curiosity, excitement and confidence in us has both thrilled and humbled us.  We are looking forward to 2015 and beyond!

Ron Gaskins

January 26, 2015



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