Okay! We're either declared "essential" and reluctantly going into work and braving the virus situation, or we're at home working or just waiting things out.
So...let's test some brain power! Over the next days and weeks, we're going to share some photography and travel trivia, as well as some "exercises" to help you sharpen your photography skills.
April 13, 2020- Today's Question: If you've been in one of our classes, you've probably heard Ron explain a particular concept in which he uses a trash can and a coffee cup. What is he explaining?
Saturday (4/18) Clue: Part of the answer involves what is sometimes called the "digital negative."
Friday (4/17) Clue: Do you want MORE or LESS?
Tuesday Clue: related to a setting on your camera.
April 19: YES! We have a WINNER! 🥇🏆📸 Lauri Bowling says JPEG and RAW files!
JPEG and RAW are two of the most popular and useful digital file types. When I explain this in a class, I will often use a coffee cup to represent a JPEG file. This is the basic amount of data the camera saves when you take a photo. It contains enough digital date to create an image, and to allow some editing. I will use a trash can to represent a RAW file. The RAW file contains a lot more date. You have to process a RAW file and create a JPEG in order to use it. However, you are able to select the aspects of the photo that you want, either to make the photo as accurate as can be, or to modify or embellish it to create something very different. It is very easy to lose your original JPEG, and then you are left with only a modified copy. Other than deleting the original RAW file, it always remains, even if you have done multiple changes to it.
March 29: 2020- Coronavirus Cabin Fever Contest –Post a picture to this thread that demonstrates one of the following things ; “Social Distancing”, “Self Isolation”, “Shelter in Place”,” Essential Travel”, “Quarantine”, ” Hand Washing”, “Hand Sanitizer”, “Face Mask”, “Corona” or the thing you all will be competing for “Toilet Paper”.
Share this post and encourage your friends to like your photo, the winner with the image with the most likes on Sunday April 4th at 3 pm will receive a certificate and a 12 pack of Angel Soft 3 ply Mega Rolls Toilet Paper shipped to your house!
Congratulations to Beverly Short Kourey! Her photo "Nico trying his best at social distancing from Belle" had the most "Likes" this week! Beverly will be awarded a certificate and a 12 pack of Angel Soft 3 ply Mega Rolls Toilet Paper!
March 28, 2020- This will be a Travel Trivia question. Since our Photo Trivia question was answered so quickly yesterday, this one will be a little more difficult. Question: Where Am I? (not a city, but a specific venue)
Clue #1: Mountaineer Photo Excursions has visited this location more than once.
Clue #2: You can have more than three squares nearby. (11:40a)
Clue #3: You can look into faces from history. (3;22p)
Clue #4: The nickname of the state I'm in is a fruit. (8:07p)
Clue #5: The nearby large city is known for its well-preserved architecture. (9:17p ; last clue today.)
And....we have....A WINNER!!!! 😀📸‼️📣🏆 Congratulations, Lisa Hechesky! You stand tall among your photography peers! Raise your arms high and bask in the knowledge that YOU know All! (well, you knew this!) Bonaventure Cemetery is a rural cemetery located on a scenic bluff of the Wilmington River, east of Savannah, Georgia. The cemetery became famous when it was featured in the 1994 novel Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt, and in the movie, directed by Clint Eastwood, based on the book. Mountaineer Photo Excursions visited Bonaventure Cemetery on one of our "free" days during our recent "Golden Isles" photo workshop, and a couple years ago during our "Savannah & Tybee Island" workshop.
March 27: Photo Trivia Question - Which filter is used in photography to control reflections and reduce glare; darken skies and improve contrast; The effects of this filter cannot be duplicated in post-processing. Our winner was Janet Hutnik! Her answer: a polarizing filter!