Lake Erie Behind Us...

August 16, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Lake Erie Behind Us, And Jenny Wiley Ahead Of Us!


Our “Put In Bay Summer Photo Workshop” was a wonderful success, with 13 “Workshoppers” participating!  Friday evening, we visited the Marblehead Lighthouse, preceded by a private tour of the Wolcott keepers’ house, then a private tour of both the Lighthouse Museum and the Lighthouse, including a trip up to the balcony and light chamber.

On Saturday morning, we greeted the sunrise at Marblehead, met for breakfast, and then caught the ferry for our trip to South Bass Island and Put In Bay!  This was a full day of photography instruction in a variety of venues.  We visited butterflies, antique automobiles, the harbor, the Peace Memorial (taller than the Statue of Liberty), and the South Bass Island Lighthouse.

Our “Excursions” on Sunday began with breakfast at the “Tin Goose” diner, adjacent to the Liberty Aviation Museum.  We followed through with a special tour of the Museum, including an opportunity to save London by flying the skies of WWII.  We completed our Lake Erie adventure with an interesting side trip to a marina, where the Port Clinton Lighthouse is nearing completion of its restoration.

One of the special characteristics of our Mountaineer Photo Excursions is the investigation and planning that Amanda and I put into our workshops.  This is what gives our clients the exclusive access to special venues, where they may capture their own distinctive photographs as they receive instruction.  As I write this, we are inviting our next group of Workshoppers to join us at Jenny Wiley State Resort Park in Prestonsburg, KY.  We are also finalizing our plans for our spring and summer workshops of 2015, which will follow our winter event at Deep Creek Lake and Oakland, MD, in January. 

Please check our “Galleries” to see views of past and future Excursions, plus our “Workshops” to see currently scheduled events.

Do you want to improve your photography?  Let us take you there!

Ron Gaskins

August 15, 2015


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