What Are We Up To?

May 27, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

What ARE we up to?

We are closing in on the end of May, and we’ve been keeping very busy!  As an indication, I started writing this article in March!  Just as we closed the door on February, we visited Buckhannon, WV, and Amanda and I were the special speakers at the Buckhannon Upshur Camera Club meeting.  We presented a program on “The Original 50 Shades of Gray – The Art of Black & White Photography.”  There were several in attendance that evening, including several guests!

The next day, Amanda and I were joined by Club Members Al Tucker and John Simons on our advanced scouting trip for the Holly River Spring Photo Workshop.  Fast-Forward to the end of April, and we were back at Holly River with 22 of our newest friends and Workshoppers!

The weather was a little “iffy” on Friday, and after we visited Mollohan’s Mill, we substituted some classroom discussion for our star-trails activity.  However, the morning dawned with sunshine, and following a great breakfast buffet (thanks to Debby & Staff at the Park Restaurant), we were off to the waterfalls!

We had a great weekend, and I believe everyone enjoyed the locations and activities we planned.  We loved all the cooperation from Ken McClintic, Park Superintendent, and everyone there!  The Park contributed a free cabin rental as prize, and our Workshoppers contributed beautiful images for our Workshop Photo Contest!  Congratulations to Tony Maro, who won the cabin rental as the Workshop Grand Prize!

It is almost June, and we are in full swing as we prepare for our Put In Bay/Marblehead Summer Photo Workshop in Ohio, scheduled for July 25-27.  We have had a few questions about the difference in cost between this workshop at Put In Bay [$245], and our other workshops we've done. Briefly, the cost is higher because of two reasons.

This location involves several different venues and attractions, almost all of which charge an admission fee. There are travel expenses for the train tour of South Bass Island, and a $28 per person ferry fee.

When you combine these fees with the fact that we have reduced the number of Workshoppers because of some other travel restrictions, the cost per person rises.  We felt it was better for us to include the various charges into our workshop fee, rather than for everyone to have to pull out their wallets every time we stopped. 

Due to the long and lingering winter, especially on the shore of Lake Erie, we’ve been delayed in our scouting trip.  As a result, we are still putting our final agenda together, but we’ll be sharing it soon with our registered Workshoppers.  As of today (May 27), we still have a few spots remaining.

Finally, in mid-May we opened our registration for our very popular Jenny Wiley Fall Photo Workshop in Kentucky!  Amanda and I will be returning for our FOURTH Photo Workshop at the State Resort Park in Prestonsburg, KY, and I’m confident that we will have an exciting time.  We are planning for repeat activities, such as the Elk Tour and the Dewey Lake Eagle Cruise, and also for some new activities.

For THIS Workshop, you must contact the Park for your registration.  They have also developed some special pricing packages that combine the Workshop fee, lodging and meals, so be sure to ask about them.  We will be joining our good friend, Trinity Shepherd, Park Naturalist, and look forward to hearing his stories of local history and the wildlife.  This year, we will also be joined by a new addition to the Park, new Naturalist Jayd Raines!

In January….  No, I’ll wait for another entry to share that news!  Do you want to improve your photography?  Let us take you there!  I hope to see you soon at one of our Workshops!

Ron Gaskins

[email protected]


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