Mountaineer Photo Excursions - A New Adventure Begins!

January 17, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Mountaineer Photo Excursions  - Our Blogs

Would you like to improve your photography?  If your answer is “YES!,” I want to tell you about our new venture, Mountaineer Photo Excursions.
Two years ago, Amanda Haddox and I were in a van in Kentucky with the Naturalist from Jenny Wiley State Resort Park, on an early morning trip to photograph the Rocky Mountain Elk herd.  We had been talking, and he had noticed our camera gear.  He explained that he wanted to have a photography class or workshop at the Park, but didn’t have the expertise or connections to do it alone.  Amanda and I looked at each other, grinned, and told our new friend that he had met the right people.  Seven weeks later, we were teaching our Spring Photography Workshop!
Moving forward two years…  We have now taught three photography workshops in cooperation with Jenny Wiley State Resort Park, working with our good friend Trinity Shepherd, Park Naturalist.  We have our first full scale Workshop scheduled (and fully booked) in West Virginia for this Spring, and decided two things:  We enjoy teaching, and other people are interested in learning.  With this in mind, we are launching Mountaineer Photo Excursions!
Our Workshops are structured for the beginner to intermediate photographer, but we are happy to have more experienced folks along, as well.  Our workshops have a varied approach:  Nature, Wildlife, and Travel.   Whether our subjects are herons or elk, bridges or monuments, we can show you ways to learn, improve and then create the images you have dreamed about.
If you have a passion for your photography, and a desire to be a better photographer tomorrow than you were yesterday, we want to hear from you today! 
We have some very interesting and attractive locations selected for our upcoming Workshops.  We hope you will consider what you want to do with your photography, and that you will consider Mountaineer Photo Excursions when you are deciding on a photography workshop.
January 2014
Mountaineer Photo Excursions!

Winter at Blackwater FallsSnow covered back roads at Blackwater Falls State Park.


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